Friday, February 15, 2008


Mavis and Ron took Dad to the Urologist in Williston yesterday (Feb.14), and he got a good report. The doctor found no growth in his bladder and said he could wait six months for another checkup. Good news, indeed!

Lila finally has a phone in her room (with the same number as in her apartment) at the Baptist nursing home. She was able to get a private room, much to her delight.

Abbie is staying with Mavis and Ron while Luke and Tara are in Cancun, Mexico, for a week. She keeps them busy, but they enjoy her chatter and antics!

As noted in other communications, we are doing fine in Gainesville, Florida, and are much relieved to have the tests all done, with good results. Our doctor in Tucson, who got all the test results by FAX, said I should be able to function quite normally, with no after-effects from the "mini-stroke." So, we are planning to continue our trip, leaving Monday for St. Augustine, Florida, for a few days, then north to Ft. Clinch State Park near the Georgia border. Around March 1 we'll begin driving through Georgia en route to visit Marie's niece, Sheila, and her husband, Chuck, in South Carolina.

In the meantime, we are watching the primary election campaigns with great excitement and pleasure. Lotza fun to see how it will all come out.


Bill and Marie


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