Sunday, October 11, 2009


Ron and Mavis said today that the beet harvest is hampered by rainy, cold weather. Only 200 of 1000 acres have been completed. Fortunately, they have a good (and flexible!) crew that includes Ron's brother Larry, two of his high school classmates, and others who have helped out in years past. The yield is good, but the sugar content is lower than they would like. They have been able to dig only about every third day so far.

Mavis talked to Lila this morning, who was able to visit for half an hour in her room at the Bapist Home. She is not able to go to the dining room to eat, and has very low blood pressure, with a high heart rate. She wanted to discuss "end of life" arrangements and has a plan in mind. She wants everything decided in advance.

Dad is doing fine, and still wants to have his pickup around, even if Mavis does all the driving. She took him to church this morning with the pickup, and he thought she should leave it at his house rather than take it back to hers! He has a medical appointment in Bismarck for October 30.

Marilyn and Issy have medical appointments in Bismarck October 21.


All is calm and normal here, with delightful fall weather in the mid-80's. We have been enjoying long walks at La Encantada Shopping Center every other day, after breakfast at AJ's Fine Foods. Very pleasant!

We had a bit of a thrill as we were returning from a walk a couple of days ago: there was a large bobcat standing immediately outside our front door! We are at the north edge of the city with lots of open space around us (including a golf course), and apparently the bobcat lives in the general vicinity. Fortunately, he beat a hasty retreat.

A picnic last week at Saguaro National Park was fun, although the landscape is extremely dry. We saw very few wild birds or other animals. There is concern here that the drought is so bad that many of the natural features and vegetation will be seriously damaged.

On October 21, we return to Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale for Marie's surgery follow-up appointment with the surgeon. She has been doing very well, so we expect a good report.

Otherwise we are spending lots of time on our study of the Mayo Clinic/hospital system, and a detailed comparison with the University Physicians Healthcare/University Hospital system here in Tucson. There are many similarities, but some key differences as well. Very stimulating work for a couple of retired academics who want to keep their minds working!

Derek had surgery on his shoulder last week in Des Moines, Iowa. He had a torn rotator cuff that needed repair, and is doing okay, but feels a lot of pain.


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