Saturday, August 19, 2006


Dione says she thinks the blog is a "nice idea." She is interested in the family dalogue and hopes we keep it going. They "hit the ground running" when they returned to Yellow Springs, after their ND and MT trip. Dione is taking three independent study graduate courses and is trying to complete them before starting other graduate school classes in early September. Saul is back teaching at Antioch/McGregor College, and stays very busy with his administrative duties as well. And, they are both trying to help Mollie end the summer nicely before going back to school.

They went to a place called Ha Ha Pizza with one of Maureen's Fannie Mae vice presidents who was in Yellow Springs working on his Ph.D. in leadership at Antioch/McGregor. He grew up in a foster care home in Dayton, went to a prep school in Connecticut, got a degree from Harvard University, did graduate work at Columbia University, worked on Wall Street, and then got his Fannie Mae job. They thought he was a really nice (and obviously very bright!) guy, who had great things to say about Maureen's work.

What a great story!


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