Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Hi all,

It's been awhile since I posted anything so I thought I'd say
hello to everyone before Uncle Bill leaves on his travels! Life in Miles
City is pretty uneventful. Seems like all I do is work, eat and sleep. I'm
STILL Acting City Clerk (five months now); however we have posted the
position and have a couple of applicants. I have been calling other City
Clerks in the state trying to steal them away from the city they work for.
I am desperate; it is so hard to get good help that really want to work! If
I can hold out for a couple of more years I will have 35 years in and I
think I can safely say......it's time to get the heck out of here! One nice
thought is that if things get too crazy, I do have enough years that I could
retire anytime. I'll be in Billings this afternoon and the rest of the week
for training so will get to see Charlie.

I got an e-mail from Cindy yesterday; they sold their home!
However, they have to pay some closing costs and realtor fees....but it sold! She
is excited and glad to have that out of the way.

Jenny is about done with her Special Ed Endorsement. The
Bozeman school district has been giving her $2,500 per year to complete the studies.
She has also been working on her Special Ed Masters and was excited to get a
100% on one final and expects an A on the other class. Of course we are
really proud of her as it has been hard teaching Special Ed (severe and
moderate) and furthering her education at the same time.

Jodi is busy working for the Farm Service Agency and raising
children. Ted and her also administer the all the junior high and high
school youth programs for our church. It keeps them busy. They will be
driving the church's Greyhound bus with 24 high school students to Austin,
Texas, the last two weeks in June for a mission trip. Dallas and I will
watch the grandkids in the evening and weekends with Ted's parents during
the day! It is a good thing the kids are great because this time is during


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