The photo of Dad and Keith Winter, in which Dad was getting a plaque that recognized him as an original member of the McKenzie County Grazing Association, beginning in 1936. He was on the Grazing Association Board much of that time, and was Director for his part of the pasture most of those years. Keith Winter was the president of the Association when the photo was taken.
I talked to Lila a few days ago just after she had moved to a room (#3422) in St. Alexis Hospital. She was feeling better, but has no idea when she can go back to the Baptist Home. Linda and Charlene came for a visit on Sunday-Tuesday, which she really enjoyed, of course. Cindy, Karen, and Tim have been visiting regularly, as well. The doctors did a procedure to check for infection in her heart valves, with no infection found. Her port for dialysis was infected and had to be removed, but was replaced for the dialysis. She is now on a heavy dose of antibiotics that should knock the infections.
Are leaving for their home in Yuma on election day, after voting, of course. They will be in Bismarck October 26 for some medical tests and to see Lila.
The beets should be out about the time this goes out, assuming no more rain or snow.
They had to stop because of rain during the week. Yields are varying a lot, depending on which field. The Shaide place on top of the hill did pretty well, with good quality beets. They are trying to save all the tops for cattle feed.
All is swell in Tucson!
Bill and Marie
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