We enjoyed yesterday (April 24) on the campus at the University of Arizona, where these photos were taken. It was great fun to rub shoulders with lots of students, and a few faculty, over lunch at one of the many restaurants in the Student Union. The brick building is Old Main, the oldest building on a campus with nearly 40,000students. The U of A libraries have always been among our favorite places in Tucson, and we enjoyed some time in one of them, as well. Helps us appreciate the richness of this city!
The neighbors around us in the condo are a very interesting collection. Immediately below us is a young couple, the female of whom works for Pearson Publishing Company--with which we published two books! We had a delightful time exploring the connections and experiences. She wanted to know all about our books, as did her mate, who is an engineer.
Just to the east, the male of the couple (who have a 14-month old son) is a doctor who did some of his medical school at the University of Idaho, where Marie taught for 23 years. He knows, and spoke kindly of, some of the faculty who were Marie's close colleagues. He is from Pocatello, and his wife is from Houston, TX. Unfortunately, from our viewpoint, they will only be here for another couple of months before moving to a medical practice in Arkansas.
Just to the west, another young couple are equally pleasant, but we have not yet discovered any direct "historical" connection. We find it very pleasing to have these very interesting young couples to relate to all around us!
Tomorrow we'll be enjoying the gorgeous spring flowers now in bloom at Saguaro National Park East, at the eastern edge of the city, while having a picnic lunch in a beautiful setting--after a vigorous hike on one of many delightful trails.
Bill and Marie
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