We took a Sunday jaunt for a picnic at Madera Canyon in the Santa Rita Mountains to the south of Tucson (see photos). Wild turkeys were our guests at lunch! They were a little too friendly to suit our tastes, even trying to eat from our plates! Nonetheless, it was good entertainment. We found out later that a mountain lion was within about one-half mile of us, and was actually killed by forest rangers--because it was following some hikers--while we were in the vicinity! Fortunately, it did not try to join us for lunch!!
Mavis called to say that their visit to Bismarck, with Dad, Marilyn, and Issy, went well. Lila is doing remarkably well, and is fully mobile around the Baptist Home. Good news! Dad's pacemaker battery is good for another five years, until he celebrates his 100th Birthday, Mavis said! That will be a time of major celebration!
The beets were finished about noon on Saturday, and, fortunately, yielded better than expected! Also good news! The harvest dinner with all the workers was on Sunday evening.
It was a bit wet in the fields because of fall rains, which bodes well for completing the fall field work, such as fertilizing.
Ron celebrates is 62nd birthday on Friday while also celebrating Halloween with his grandkids!
Brett had a band concert this week and did several drum solos! He is quite the whiz kid on those drums, we are told! Both Cole and Brett also sang in the choir.
Dara won an award as outstanding staff member at Olympic High School in Bremerton! She was hosted by the school principal at a Rotary Club meeting where her accomplishments were discribed and applauded. Very nice, indeed! CONGRATULATIONS!!
Mat is settling in nicely to retirement, with a trip to Cleveland, OH, accompanied by his good friend, Ron, who had lived in the city for a number of years. They toured ethnic restaurants, and had a grand time. The retirement party on October 10 came off well, but was struck by a serious storm--so some folks could not come. He and Maureen are going to Scottsdale for a meeting in January, associated with Mat's new responsibility as President of the Hospital Foundation Board in Helena, and we hope to have a good visit with them!!
Maureen attended a Leadership Institute in San Jose, CA, and was able to see her good friend (from college), Cam and her 5-year-old very cute daughter. She also met a woman from Fairview whose maiden name was Norby, and who knew all about the Berry's and Lassey's. Maureen is going to another meeting in Washington, DC, in December, and will stop off for a weekend visit with Dione, Saul, and Mollie Grace in Yellow Springs.
Our latest treat was gallery touring yesterday in our neighborhood, thorouthly enjoying lots of magnificent art peices and delightful visit with some of our former neighbors who own one of the galleries!
Bill and Marie
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