Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Note from Jenny

Good news today! We turned 30 weeks and have had no contractions for 24 hours. We had an ultrasound today, which showed that the bed rest has done amazing things. Obviously, I won't be returning to work, but they were pleased to see that my cervix has closed some. They have decided that I will remain on bed rest, but I can be released from the hospital.

I will be going to my aunt's house here in Billings. We have an appointment on Friday. If all goes well, they said I could return to Livingston on Friday. We are still taking one day at a time. I am so excited to be released, but I am very aware that life will not return to normal for awhile.

Please pass this on to others and tell everyone that we really appreciate all the thoughts and prayers during this time.

All Our Love,

Jenny and Brad Malloy


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