Beet harvest was successfully concluded on Friday, after a very long and painful process delayed several times by cold and rain, according to Will. The annual celebratory party was Friday night at the Double Barrel in Fairview for the 15-person crew plus family. The yield was generally good, with one field going 35-ton per acre. Mavis said it got to be really scary because at times they were not sure they would be able to finish the harvest.
Mavis and Ron went to a country music concert last night (Saturday night) at the Four Bears Casino east of Watford City, and saw several new oil wells along the way. Apparently, there is some prospect of more drilling around Cartwright as well.
Dad is doing about the same, and enjoyed going to church this morning. He is having some trouble with swollen legs, and gets ever more forgetful--not unusual for his age.
Ron and Mavis are thinking about traveling, now that harvest is done! We hope to see them in Arizona come January.
Julie saw Lila and Cindy on Friday in Bismarck and said Lila seemed to be doing pretty well.
Mavis and Ron went to a country music concert last night (Saturday night) at the Four Bears Casino east of Watford City, and saw several new oil wells along the way. Apparently, there is some prospect of more drilling around Cartwright as well.
Dad is doing about the same, and enjoyed going to church this morning. He is having some trouble with swollen legs, and gets ever more forgetful--not unusual for his age.
Ron and Mavis are thinking about traveling, now that harvest is done! We hope to see them in Arizona come January.
Julie saw Lila and Cindy on Friday in Bismarck and said Lila seemed to be doing pretty well.
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