Rude spring travels

Mat and I just returned from a wonderful trip to French Polynesia. We planned the trip because our friend Sherri got her jazz band, Blue Renditions, booked on the Paul Gaughin ship for a week. The trip was my 45th birthday to myself (and I included Mat, aren't I nice?). We flew into Papeete, Tahiti, and traveled to several of the islands. It is truly a magnificent place, so lush and tropical, and relatively unspoiled. One of the highlights was a day on a private motu (one of the islands that is broken off from the main island surrounded by a barrier reef) where we were able to swim and snorkel and drink from coconuts. Truly marvelous. Attached are a couple of pictures.
After the trip, we had to come back to the real world and our lives and jobs in Helena. We have been doing some work on our house, so are keeping busy with that.
On July 1 we are having a "celebration of life" for Dick Rosa, our stepfather, in Polson. All of his family will be in attendance, as will Dione and her family.
Best wishes for June to all.
Maureen and Mat
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