Sunday, May 10, 2009


The photo is of Marie's Mother's Day floral arrangement from Sherry. It is as aromatic as it looks!

We cooked steaks and hash browns on the grill for a breakfast treat, and are going out for an early evening celebration at a nearby resort!


Dara and Derek have both called to wish Marie well. And, much to our delight, Dara told us that she had been selected as the outstanding staff member for the high school where she works! What an honor! We could not be more pleased.

Derek was preparing a spot by the Des Moines River where they can park their 5th wheel trailer for camping this summer. Sounds like fun!


Mavis enjoyed a several round celebration of her 60th birthday May 7, with a lunch in Sidney, dinner at Will's, and an outing at the Triangle Club near Sidney.

Dad is doing well. Lana and Mavis played pinochle with him on Friday night, which he of course really enjoyed.

John (hired man) has moved into the "old" house next to Dad's, and is living there full-time. Nice to have that house occupied instead of empty.

All the crops are planted and coming up nicely!


We will leave May 30 for our summer trip, going east first to visit some of Marie's family, then west through OH, IA, to ND, arriving, hopefully, in Bismarck on June 20 and Cartwright on June 21 (Father's Day). Lotza miles and lotza fun!

Bill and Marie



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