Tuesday, January 29, 2008


We received an e-mail from Cindy today indicating that Lila went to the hospital by ambulance yesterday morning, remains there today with pneumonia, and is not feeling at all well. Sounds like she may have to go to a nursing home if space is available. It would really be unfortunate if she has to leave her apartment, but her condition may require a change.

All is well in sunny Florida, with lots of excitement about the primary election going on here today. We'll be watching the outcome intensely through the evening!


Bill and Marie

Saturday, January 26, 2008


We have been very fortunate to find beautiful places to park our motorhome along the way, as the photos indicate. At the moment we are in Melbourne, about 50 miles SE of Orlando, and near the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral.

It is most interesting to watch the Republican politics running up to the primary election this coming Tuesday. The candidates are all around us, although we have not seen them first-hand as yet. It is looking like Romney may win, although we would be happier if McCain did.

The evidence of the economic downtown is also all around us. Houses and condos for sale, but not selling are everywhere--especially along the Atlantic coast. There has obviously been a lot of over-building in anticipation of continuing rapid growth that is now not happening. The same story is also true in Tucson. We received an update today from a realtor on homes for sale in our immediate neighborhood--and found out that at least a dozen house are on the market within half a mile from our house! Not good!


Bill and Marie


Saturday, January 19, 2008


We drove along the Atlantic Ocean yesterday in Palm Beach, stopping for a coffee break at the Breakers Hotel and Resort, and eating lunch at the Four Seasons Resorts. Both are beautiful places with great landscaping and wonderful service. It was a fun Friday Fling!
Bill and Marie


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

North Dakota in National Geographic Magazine

Hello Bill and Marie,

The January 2008 issue of National Geographic Magazine gives a report on North Dakota titled "THE EMPTIED PRAIRIE".

Those of the Lassey Clan who are subscribed to NGM will have read it. But it is also to be read on the Internet.

To see the article you go to http://www.ngm.com/

Scroll down on the home page till you see "Latest Features" and there right click on the title : "THE EMPTIED PRAIRIE" and you have the 4 pages text of the article.

There are also a series of pictures with texts.

To see those, right click the line "Photo Gallery" on the left side of the screen.

There are 14 pictures.

The article is rather of sad nature and we hope that it is not the same all over North Dakota.

Please put this on the Blog, in case you find it interesting.

All the best from Belgium.

Hedwig and Herna

Sunday, January 06, 2008


We have moved north from Ft. Lauderdale to Palm Beach, driving along the Atlantic Ocean on Highway A1A--a gorgeous, if very slow, route. Lots of beauiful beaches, gorgeous homes, and a magnificent shopping area in elite Palm Beach--where we had a Friday Fling day before yesterday. We are staying at Jonathan Dickinson State Park about 20 miles north of Palm Beach. This is one of the areas in Florida hit badly by a hurricane not long ago. It destroyed most of the trees in this campground, making it look like a forest fire has gone through. The photos are of a place we stayed in Ft. Lauderdale along a canal, and in downtown Palm Beach.