Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Marilyn sent a blub published by Mayo Clinic that describes Susan's new job. "Dr. Welnel specializes in the assessment and treatment of mental health issues, including memory problems, depression, and anxiety in older adolescents through geriatrics. She received her degree from the Argosy University in Eagan, Minn., and previously worked at MeritCare Northwest Medical Center in Thief River Falls. In July she completed a residency with the Minnesota Consortium for Advanced Rural Psychology Training." Marilyn says Susan is very happy with the new position! She says Mayo is a wonderful employer and has many benefits she didn't have before. Just the continuing education is really worthwhile.


They will be gone a couple of weeks beginning this week. Sounds like fun to me! Dad will have the help of a home health visitor, as well as family assistance from Luke, Abbie, Rhonda and Vicki, as well as others.


Dad is feeling much better after suffering pneumonia, and has returned to his jolly mood. He and Abbie continue to enjoy each other. She does not like anyone else to call him Grandpa because she says he is "her" grandpa! Dad has been reading the memoirs and said he was really enjoying it because it brings back lots of memories. He also says he really enjoyed the Fabulous Journey Photo Album. His voice sounds a little hoarse, but otherwise he is certainly his usual cheerful self.


Lila says she has been very busy lately, reading the memoirs with a magnifying glass, and discussing it with Tim, Cindy, and Karen, who are also reading it. She says they did not know about many of the family events discussed in the early chapters.

She is having trouble with one of her hands and has a skin break in one finger that is giving her a lot of pain. She will be going to the hospital for therapy twice each week to build up her strength.


Charlie sent an e-mail commenting on her enjoyment of the memoirs. She particularly liked the family history in the first chapter, and feels we are all lucky to have had such great parents and grandparents who have had such productive and busy lives. She also liked the chapter on my military experience because it fits with her own recollections of her time in the service. We were delighted to receive her very nice "review" of the memoirs, which, she said, she had trouble putting down once she started reading!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


We finally received copies of FABULOUS JOURNEY, and have mailed them to all of the family. Although there are a few things we would change next time, it was generally published to our satisfaction--if a few weeks later than we would have preferred! We hope you enjoy all of it, but especially the first chapter on family heritage.


Unfortunately, Dad came down with pneumonia last week, and was sufficiently ill yet on Saturday that Mavis and Ron did not feel that he should attempt the trip to Tucson and Yuma. Consequently, they canceled the trip, although they did plan to visit their friends in Deadwood, South Dakota--supposed to be the first overnight stop. We were looking forward to seeing all of them, so it is a big disappointment that they could not come.

When I talked to Dad this morning, he seemed to be feeling better--but still has a somewhat weak voice and had some difficulty talking. Hopefully, he will bounce back to good health quickly! He said the weather was too bad outside to get out of the house anyhow! Julie fitted him with new hearing aids, and he is able to hear much better than was the case.


Will is working in the oil fields, and has had to navigate some very icy roads recently. There was an ice storm last week that coated the roads.

The economic troubles are hitting Tucson (and everyplace else!) hard. A beautiful restaurant about one block from our house is closing--after 20 years in business. Too few customers with the funds to eat out. Although we have patronized the place many times since coming to Tucson, we have not been there but once since September. Apparently, the same thing happened with other good customers. We also read today that one of the most high-end housing developments in a beautiful mountain area at the edge of the city has gone bankrupt--one of many housing developments to "bite the dust" in the area. So it goes too close to home!

We are looking forward to the inauguration of "President Obama"! Maybe his efforts can turn things around soon!


Bill and Marie

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


The snow keeps happening all over the northern places where our family lives, establishing a record in Williston, Spokane, Pullman, Bremerton, and assorted other places. We even had an inch of rain, and mountain snow, around Tucson!

In the midst of all this, Dad has been quite sick with some kind of bug, keeping him largely indoors and getting lots of rest. We are hoping he recovers well so he can make the trip to Tucson for a visit with us, accompanied by Ron and Mavis, of course. They are scheduled to get here on January 12, and will travel from here to Yuma on January 15th.

Marilyn celebrated her birthday on January 5, with lunch out hosted by Mavis, Ron, and Dad, followed by a card game at their house. After all the festivities, she and Issy left very early the next morning via airplane from Sidney to return to their winter home in Yuma.

Marilyn reports that Susan is really pleased with her new job at the Mayo Clinic facility, and already has a full schedule of patients. Carol is doing fine, and is considering a new job. Julie caught the same bug that Dad did, but is doing better. Issy wasn't happy with all the snow shoveling, and cold, in Sidney, and was more than ready to return to he tropics in Yuma!

We are in the midst of planning for the distribution of FABULOUS JOURNEY, with two boxes of books expected to arrive by the end of the week!


Bill and Marie