We are on the 20th day of travel,and have had marvelous visits with Marie's cousin Erlene, and husband Cal, in Georgia; Sheila (Marie's only neice), her husband Chuck, daughter Lyndy, husband Michael, and grandson Matthew in Pennsylvania; Dione, Saul, and Mollie in Ohio; and Derek in Iowa, where we are now. Tomorrow we depart for North Dakota.
The photos are of Mollie, Dione, Saul, Derek, and flowers in the little Dutch town of Pella, where we are staying--quite an interesting and beautiful place with lots of unique Holland character.
Dione and Saul took us to the Antioch McGreggor University where Saul teaches, and showed us the new high tech building surrounding Saul's beautiful office. It is new and has all the latest facilities for teaching and learning. Very interesting! We also went to Mollie's school, a very up-do-date place; we met some of Mollie's teachers, saw classrooms where she learns, and thoroughly enjoyed watching Mollie, and her friend Cora, as they explored the school with us. A real treat!
They are turning their one-acre yard into a small organic farm, having planted garden spots all around the yard with a huge variety of edible goodies. We enjoyed some of the produce for dinner two nights in a row. Delicious!
Derek showed us around Pella, and treated us to a Dutch lunch. He had a doctor's appointment today for a shoulder injury that is causing him great pain, and keeping him from doing his job the way he would like to. Nonetheless, he is doing well and continues to enjoy living in Iowa. We are staying at an accommodation on a golf course, which he has enjoyed since golf is his favorite recreation!
Traveling safely,
Bill and Marie