Sunday, November 30, 2008



Dad says he enjoyed watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV! That is always a treat. He seems to be doing fine, and says he can't complain.

Ron said they got two inches of rain during beet harvest, so are in good shape for planting beets in the spring--with a new firm contract assuring them that the factory will buy the beet crop next year. Ron and Mavis are coming to Arizona after Christmas and may bring Dad along to visit with us. That would be nice!


Julie, Dennis, and Ashley were hosted at Thanksgiving, as well as Brady and his girl friend. Starting Monday, December 1, Susan will be working for the Mayo Clinic at Albert Lea, about an hour south of where they live. She has rented a small apartment rather than commute the whole distance every day. She is thankful, among other things, for finally getting the state board to act on her psychology license.


Dione turned 50 on November 14! That is hard for both her, and us, to believe! She is enjoying her teaching job, particularly the students, adding a number of new features to her kitbag of teaching tools. She is teaching an English class every day with the same kids, rather than only working with gifted students.

Saul did a workshop on "conflict resolution," with some top people in the field doing the teaching. He is teaching a course on Global Ecology that he really enjoys.

Mollie is really enjoying her new school and has made some great friends. In her first term she got three A+ and two A grades. She is taking Mandarin Chinese and really enjoying it. She has taken two other languages as well, and must select one of them to pursue through middle school. She is trying out for a part in a school play. Several of her projects are shown on the Miami Valley School web site.


Maureen and Mat had Thanksgiving dinner at Melva's (Mat's mother) house. They are planning a trip to Arizona January 17-22 for a hospital board conference that is part of Mat's new role as President of the Hospital Foundation Board, and member of the hospital Board. We shall look forward to seeing them while they are here! In the meantime, they were quite excited because the University of Montana (where Maureen graduated)won the football conference, and was in a playoff game Saturday that they planned to attend in Missoula.

Maureen is leaving today for Washington, D.C., for a week of training, and plans to stop in Yellow Springs next weekend for a visit with Dione, Saul, and Mollie.
She and her colleagues just received a $250,000 grant to assist Montanans in preparing for purchase of homes.


We had a quiet Thanksgiving, enjoying the holiday fare at one of our favorite restaurants. Now, we are getting ready for a three day excursion to Sedona, AZ (one of the most magnificent scenic places in the state), to celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary.


Bill and Marie

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


The photo of Dad was taken on the hill overlooking the ranch, from the location where Rod's plaque is located and where his ashes are buried.


Quite unfortunately, Amanda (Cindy's, age 6) broke both an arm and a leg recently, and has been having a very difficult time getting around. Hopefully, she will heal quickly!

Lila has been doing okay, but still gets really tired from the dialysis, and doesn't sleep well.

Luke has been insulating the ceiling and walls of Dad's garage, so it will stay warmer in winter, and keep the mice from getting into the house.


Are comfortally settled in Yuma for the winter, and might come to Tucson for Thanksgiving with us. Issy got a good report on his ear growth--no malignancy. However, he has not been feeling up to par, apparently because of a bad reaction to a flu shot.

Marilyn and Issy stopped in Spokane to see Glenn Winter, and Charles and Sharon Lassey--who now live there. Glenn has Alzheimer,s and is in a nursing home. Charles has been suffering from heart problems and had surgery not long ago. All of Charle's kids are also in the Spokane area.


We are impatiently awaiting the arrival of FABULOUS JOURNEY (the memoirs) from the publisher. It should have been off the press by now, but has been delayed for reasons unclear to us.

Otherwise, all is well in Tucson!


Bill and Marie

Sunday, November 09, 2008


The picture of the ranch and river was taken long ago before Dad and Mom built their new house, and, I think, when they won the Soil Conservation Award in the 1960s. (Correct me if I am wrong, somebody!). The family photos were taken over the years beginning in about 1945 when Lila, Marilyn, and I were still in grade school. My copy of the earliest photo is not dated with a year, so I don't know the precise time. I'll try to get dates for the other photos, as well.


It snowed in North Dakota this last week (no news to most of you!), making the national news with photos of nine inches at Bismarck, and blizzard conditions that closed Interstate 90 for a couple of days. At Cartwright, there was only about an inch or so of snow, but rain caused icy conditions under the snow. Ron, Will, and Luke were working in the fields to get the fall work done right up until the rain/snow hit.

Marilyn and Issy had the good sense to get out of town for Yuma and escape the snow. Dad said the "weather was not too bad, and I am used to it, so it doesn't bother me!" He is doing fine, and enjoyed going to church this morning!


Bill and Marie