This is not a new photo of Dad, but one that we like from last year!
We talked to him last week and he sounded quite cheerful. He had walked to the mailbox and back, he said, and enjoyed the exercise. He says he always enjoys the blog, which he gets in the mail every time a new item is published. He said the beet harvest was a little slow because of the rain and cool weather. Fortunately, the weather was good the day we talked to him.
Lila seems to be doing quite well, although we have not been successful lately in reaching her on the phone. Mavis and Ron had a good visit with her last Wednesday.
We were in Scottsdale at Mayo Clinic last week for Marie's 7-week check-up with her surgeon. She got a good report! Fortunately, she has recovered very well and can now resume normal activities, except heavy lifting.
I saw an ophthalomogist about my dry and irritated eyes, and learned that some new actions need to be taken to avoid negative long-term side effects. I'll need two new prescriptions, and a set of new-fangled glasses that protect my eyes from the dry air. Arizona is not exactly the best place to be for this kind of problem!
Our treat was a delightful dinner out at a restaurant called Zinc Bistro in Kierland Commons--an upscale urban village in North Scottsdale that we found wonderful to walk around. We were introduced to the place when we met Maureen and Mat for dinner there last year at another restaurant called North. We like the area so much that we intend to return there every chance we get!
Bill and Marie