Spring flowers in Saguaro National Park are gorgeous this time of year, and a picnic among them was delightful, as we experienced last Sunday.
Lila's family were all together last weekend, and had a grand party at Cindy's, according to Tim, who supplied the prime rib roast--cooked by Don. Linda and Charlene took Lila shopping and helped her buy some new clothes, while also helping to sort out the old clothes from her closet. Lila said she is doing fine, and has really enjoyed having all of her family around!
Jenny was still in Billings at last word, and was continuing her pregnancy. Hopefully, that is a good sign!
Planting is almost complete, interrupted by some rain. Dad says he doesn't know what will be planted in front of his house, but he is enjoying the spring farming activity. He says Abbie is always "on the go" and keeps him busy when she is around. He says he is "not the best, and not the worst" but generally feels fine!
Most of the calves have arrived, and it is now time for branding. Unfortunately, the pastures are still very short, so they continue to feed the cattle--with very expensive hay.
Mavis and Marilyn say there is no oil drilling activity underway now, but some indication that it could resume in June. Let's hope so! The company that holds the current lease, St. Maries Land and Exploration Company, sent me a big check--so I thought maybe we were getting a new lease. I called Mavis and e-mailed Marilyn to see if they had also received checks, which they had not. After some investigation by Mavis, it turns out that the check I got was a mistake! It should have been sent to someone else. What a disappointment! We were about to go on a big party, which will now have to be postponed!
We were invited to dinner at the home of some good friends and neighbors--and had a very nice time getting acquainted with another guest who was a retired professor from the University of Arizona. He had been to numerous places around the world that we have also visited over the years. It was fun to compare notes and impressions, while enjoying the excellent drinks, food, and wine provided by our wonderful hosts.
Bill and Marie